The following is an unedited and uncensored conversation that took place on Omegle earlier today. "You" is me and "Stranger" is obviously a stranger:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi! I'm Sarah Palin
Stranger: hi
Stranger: i am varma
You: Gosh, that sounds contagious!
Stranger: nice to meet you Sarah Palin
Stranger: your from?
You: Alaska. I can see Russia from my back yard!
You: Can I call you Joe?
Stranger: okay
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: you can
Stranger: but why?
You: That's just swell!
Stranger: age?
You: 50, but I don't look a day over 47
Stranger: occupation?
You: Well, I was Governor of Alaska, but I quit
You: What do you do, Joe?
Stranger: student
Stranger: i am just 19
Stranger: which books did you write?
You: Good for you, Joe! Stay in school! Maybe some day you can be Vice President of the good ol' US of A!
Stranger: i am from india
You: Going Rogue (please buy it!)
You: Indiana? I've been there!
Stranger: not indiana, it is india..............
You: What state is that in, Joe?
Stranger: it is country.............second place in world population
You: Oh gosh! Well, I think it's just swell that third world countries have internet access! \
You: And schools too!
You: That's in South America, right?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
lol did the cops ever come knock on your door?
Sarah Palin isn't smart enough to use Omegle.
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